On 13th March 2022, a potentially fatal accident occurred near the Indian Oil Petrol Pump in Deopur, Cuttack. A three-wheeler collided head-on with a bike, resulting in the auto-rickshaw overturning. The riders of the two-wheeler, Dipak Sarangi and Anirudha Dash, were trapped underneath the vehicle, sustaining severe injuries. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Bikash Mohapatra of FPRA promptly contacted District Road Safety Officer, Ravi Narayan Jena, who responded swiftly and cooperated effectively. The local 108 Ambulance service and the police control room were immediately alerted to the situation. With a sense of urgency, the injured individuals were swiftly transported to the nearby Government Hospital for medical treatment. Thanks to the timely intervention and coordination of the authorities, both lives were successfully saved.
This incident highlights the pressing issue of frequent accidents caused by overseeding. It underscores the need for the government to deploy interceptor vehicles and strengthen the enforcement system. In this particular case, the accident was the result of the reckless driving behavior of the auto-rickshaw driver. The successful outcome of this incident serves as a testament to the importance of prompt response, efficient coordination, and effective enforcement measures in ensuring the safety and well-being of road users.